Monday, June 10, 2013

As always....comment below if you have any questions...or if you would like a tutorial!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The history of Abbey & Mariah Woodring

     Iron man walkee talkees. Nuff said.
Yup! We're MATCHING. One of the surprising (and yes, slightly annoying at times) things that happens is how much we think alike. Take for example, how we end up dressing almost exactly alike. Even if the other isn't thinking of it, or we don't see what the other has picked out to wear for the day, we are often matching. It's something that simply cannot be changed. It just...happens. :D
Yes yes..Thank you Eric for capturing this VERY awkward picture of us..
BAM. That's some blue eyeshadow! Makeovers area blast at this house.
Chuck taylors are a shared obsession, of course!
Oldie picture couldn't be forgotten...I have no idea when this was. Will do some detective work and figure it out, though! ;)
Last year at Eric's 20th Birthday party! We're usually the two who are cooking..

                                           At the Masquerade dance, last December.