Saturday, March 9, 2013

Slushy Saturday

        What happens when over the week you get multiple inches of snow, and it rains on the weekend?

I KNOW! A slushy Saturday. And I'm not gonna lie..I took these in B&W..NOT because I love black and white pictures, but because..yes..the snow was a yellowish-brown. And who'd want to look at that?! Not me, that's for sure. If you WOULD like to, then I guess I could take some more pictures on a regular setting..If you really REALLY begged. But you'd have to be an expert beggar. Like me. ;-) Anywho, I thought it was really fun to step in the slush and see my footprints fill with wata. (I meant water) Pretty darn cool!! Ohhh yeahh! If you happen to live where I do...Get outside and try it. You wont be disappointed.  Ok, Maybe you will. In that case, well,I feel for you! :(

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