Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Life lately in photos...

So I promised I'd do more "Life lately" posts...And here I am! After what, 2 months? Yep, Either I've been really busy OR lazy. It couldn't possibly be the latter. Oh wait, yes it could I suppose. ;) 
Yogurt! There's nothing (and I mean it when I say NOTHING) I like to eat for breakfast then a huge bowl of cold yogurt. It's simply delicious. My personal fave is to add frozen strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, mixed in with a big glop of honey for sweetness. Trust me. It's glorious.

Flowers! I absolutely love watching all the flowers bloom after a long, cold, boring, dreary winter.

                                    Trails! Went on a long, refreshing walk the other day.
     DIY manicures.
     Windy day, much? ;)
You can never ever forget a footsie photo! ;) just can.

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