Thursday, May 16, 2013

MEET MY: Sister Victoria

So I decided. It's a 'bout time I did a "Meet my"! So here today is my sweet, quiet, long haired, blue eyed, sister. :))

Victoria was born on September 12th 2002. I actually remember a bit of when she was born, I would've been 4 years old, nearly 5 because our birthdays are so close together. I remember small tidbits  like my mom asking me what I wanted to name her. (Of course, I had a 4 year olds answer!) I thought that the PERFECT name would be "Aunt Nan." The "Aunt" included. My suggestion was not meant to be, my mother gently explained we already had a "Aunt Nan". Oh well. I tried! ;)

So instead we named our small new bundle Victoria Ashley.

You've probably all heard me say "Toria"  or "Cha cha" referring to Victoria, which are two nicknames that have stuck over the years.

The first is quite simple actually. The littles at that time (now thinking back, that would've been me and my brother Nicholas!) couldn't pronounce such a long name, so in our attempt to say her name it always came out "Toria." and I rarely call her anything else these days!

The second is probably pretty embarrassing for her, But I'm pretty sure she doesn't check my blog. So I'm safe there!

So you know those T.P Commercials on t.v with the big bears? Yeah..well..It has something to do with that. ;)

As I remember it, Victoria danced to a theme song to those commercials as a toddler, And a few of the lyrics where "Cha cha chaa!!" You can figure out the rest. Her second Nickname was born. And no, we don't use it TOO often, :D For her sake.

So now that you know a little more about my little sister, I shall say goodbye! THANKS for reading, I really appreciate it!!!! You guys mean a lot to me. :)

Much love,

Abbey Noelle

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