Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Old picture day! 2008

Do you ever like looking at old pictures? I sure do! This is Christmas 2008 with my grandparents. Old times!  (btw, I'm in the green shirt...weird right!?!?!?)

B&W self-portraits & a few extra's...

                                                               Latin for "Hail Mary"

 Ohh..the BEAUTY of black and white photography! I'm quite obsessed with it recently..Am I the only one or is someone else out there feeling just as I am?

I hate to be a Typical-mirror picture taking-teenager....But I was "Having one of those days" Do you ever have one of those? (Annddd...all my little brothers and sisters were gone for the day) \

Which picture is YOUR favorite?

I seriously need some new models to show-off on my blog though...Any volunteer's that I know willing?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

More B&W

Yesterday's post of B&W pictures of my extremely adorable little siblings inspired me to take more pictures. (typical me) I really like the look of black and white photography, and even if I wont ever be as amazing a photographer as my sister, I still have loads of fun! Anyone who has a camera and a B&W setting..GET OUT THERE! Take some pictures!

I absolutely love this tin. THANK YOU thrift stores!! Always keep an eye out for these gorgeous tins, My sister and I have some what of a collection on our shelve. Super cute, and a really inexpensive creative way to decorate any room! :-)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Gemma doesn't like me taking TOO many pictures..

B&W photography

                              Tiny tiny baby feet! Eeekk! They. are. so. cute. #babyfeetobsession
                                                      Gemma gets plenty of love!

                                                        Pucker up those lips gem.

                                   AWWW AWWW!! Now doesn't that just melt your heart?!
                          She puked. On her blanket. And she moved. because it was gross. ;)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Saint Christopher

While serving the king of Canaan, he took it into his head to go and serve "the greatest king there was". He went to the king who was reputed to be the greatest, but one day he saw the king cross himself at the mention of the devil. On thus learning that the king feared the devil, he departed to look for the devil. He came across a band of marauders, one of whom declared himself to be the devil, so Christopher decided to serve him. But when he saw his new master avoid a wayside cross and found out that the devil feared Christ, he left him and enquired from people where to find Christ. He met a hermit who instructed him in the Christian faith. Christopher asked him how he could serve Christ. When the hermit suggested fasting and prayer, Christopher replied that he was unable to perform that service. The hermit then suggested that because of his size and strength Christopher could serve Christ by assisting people to cross a dangerous river, where they were perishing in the attempt. The hermit promised that this service would be pleasing to Christ. After Christopher had performed this service for some time, a little child asked him to take him across the river. During the crossing, the river became swollen and the child seemed as heavy as lead, so much that Christopher could scarcely carry him and found himself in great difficulty. When he finally reached the other side, he said to the child: "You have put me in the greatest danger. I do not think the whole world could have been as heavy on my shoulders as you were." The child replied: "You had on your shoulders not only the whole world but Him who made it. I am Christ your king, whom you are serving by this work." The child then vanished.
Christopher later visited the city of Lycia and there comforted the Christians who were being martyred. Brought before the local king, he refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods. The king tried to win him by riches and by sending two beautiful women to tempt him. Christopher converted the women to Christianity, as he had already converted thousands in the city. The king ordered him to be killed. Various attempts failed, but finally Christopher was decapitated.


Christopher is the patron saint of travelers. 


Yes. I bought a pair of shoes. And yes. I am pretty excited. and YES. there IS a story. :-)

I waited in anticipation for hours thinking of that big brown UPS truck. They said my package would come that day, Wednesday. As I was washing the mid-day meal dishes, I saw a truck. And a man. But not just any typical man and truck that goes by our street. It was the glorious UPS truck. All I had to do was wait. Wait for him to put that box on my door step. (I'm too much of a chicken to go get it myself) much to my despair he was standing outside his truck. Doing nothing. NOTHING?! WHAT?! It was driving me crazy! After much stalking and looking out the window I saw him talking on the phone. After many minutes that felt like hours, he started walking up to my door.

WHEW! He left it there and I peeked out the window to see if he was gone. The coast is clear, I said mentally to myself. Out the door I ran! (Didn't take too long, it only took a few steps to get it) Back I came inside with my package. How glad I was! After all that "HARD" work..I was about to see my new shoes.

*drum rolling*

VOLA! My shoes were perfect. They fit perfect and I fell in love with them all over again.

You may think I'm over-reacting, being way too excited for a pair of SHOES. But I've been wanting these shoes for a very, very long time. And finally, they had a sale! And not just some 10% sale..A winter wipe out sale, 50%! Regularly the shoes would have cost $50.00, but thankfully I got them for much cheaper!

They may still be on sale. So check em out! They have many styles and colors. Very cute and very comfortable!!

Dragon fruit

So what's dragon fruit anyway? A good question really. READ ON!

From the cactus family, specifically the genus Hylocereus or sweet pitayas, dragonfruit is football-shaped and has a leathery, leafy skin that is deep red or pink in color. It comes in three varieties, red flesh, white flesh and yellow flesh, all of which are embedded with hundreds of black seeds and have a mild, sweet taste. The best-tasting variety is the one with red flesh, which is succulent when eaten.
One dragonfruit can weigh between 150 and 600g, but with its thick covering, only about 60 percent is edible. To enjoy dragonfruits, it is best to eat the creamy pulp cold. The middle part is the sweetest, and after cutting the fruits in half, you just have to spoon the flesh out. Dragonfruits are common in Asia (particularly in Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines) and in Central and South America. They are among the many wonder fruits that are said to provide multiple health benefits. In addition, dragonfruits help protect the environment because they absorb carbon dioxide at nighttime, and then release oxygen to purify the air.

Dragonfruits are also rich in vitamin C, containing 9mg per serving that is equivalent to 10 percent of the daily value. Thus, eating dragonfruits helps strengthen your immune system and promotes faster healing of bruises and wounds. In fact, regular eating of dragonfruits will help ward off chronic respiratory disorders such as asthma and cough. 

Now doesn't that look Delicious?!

Baby Gemma!

Most of you have probably already have seen this picture and more, but I couldn't resist adding a picture of my ADORABLE sister and goddaughter, Gemma! sweet sweet babycakes!

Blog title?

I know you're all thinking the same thing..

ONCE AGAIN, Abbey Woodring made a new blog. You could call it an obsession, you could call me crazy, or just plain..weird.

None of those are true. Well, except the last one. I AM weird. Proud of it! But that's obviously beside the point. I wrote a status on the blog's Facebook page, saying that I was feeling adventurous and mature. I was feeling those emotions, and more. I can't put my finger on it, but I'll try my best to explain how and why I made a new blog today, and why I named it the way I did!

1.) Stalking myself on the other blog, I came to a conclusion that most posts were pretty old and immature. Odd pictures of myself, and uninteresting posts.

2.) Sometimes in life people like to start over. Wither it's apologizing to someone, renewing a relationship or friendship, and many more. All over the world, right this hour, minute and even second, hundreds of people are doing one of these things or something similar to it. In my case, (which isn't too special) I enjoy starting over in many subjects. Sometimes it's my closet, sometimes my room, but today..It's my blog! Starting new and clean. It always makes me feel in control of some things and more organized.

3.) BLOG TITLE! "Dragon fruit" is something of an inside joke. Ninja, is also another. Put them together and it brings memories!

I can't find any more semi interesting things to say. So until my next post, ADIO'S!
