Wednesday, January 30, 2013

B&W self-portraits & a few extra's...

                                                               Latin for "Hail Mary"

 Ohh..the BEAUTY of black and white photography! I'm quite obsessed with it recently..Am I the only one or is someone else out there feeling just as I am?

I hate to be a Typical-mirror picture taking-teenager....But I was "Having one of those days" Do you ever have one of those? (Annddd...all my little brothers and sisters were gone for the day) \

Which picture is YOUR favorite?

I seriously need some new models to show-off on my blog though...Any volunteer's that I know willing?


  1. Replies
    1. Lydia!! Glad SOMEONE replied! haha :) We'll have to plan a photoshoot. Any openings for you?
