Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blog title?

I know you're all thinking the same thing..

ONCE AGAIN, Abbey Woodring made a new blog. You could call it an obsession, you could call me crazy, or just plain..weird.

None of those are true. Well, except the last one. I AM weird. Proud of it! But that's obviously beside the point. I wrote a status on the blog's Facebook page, saying that I was feeling adventurous and mature. I was feeling those emotions, and more. I can't put my finger on it, but I'll try my best to explain how and why I made a new blog today, and why I named it the way I did!

1.) Stalking myself on the other blog, I came to a conclusion that most posts were pretty old and immature. Odd pictures of myself, and uninteresting posts.

2.) Sometimes in life people like to start over. Wither it's apologizing to someone, renewing a relationship or friendship, and many more. All over the world, right this hour, minute and even second, hundreds of people are doing one of these things or something similar to it. In my case, (which isn't too special) I enjoy starting over in many subjects. Sometimes it's my closet, sometimes my room, but today..It's my blog! Starting new and clean. It always makes me feel in control of some things and more organized.

3.) BLOG TITLE! "Dragon fruit" is something of an inside joke. Ninja, is also another. Put them together and it brings memories!

I can't find any more semi interesting things to say. So until my next post, ADIO'S!


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