Thursday, January 24, 2013


Yes. I bought a pair of shoes. And yes. I am pretty excited. and YES. there IS a story. :-)

I waited in anticipation for hours thinking of that big brown UPS truck. They said my package would come that day, Wednesday. As I was washing the mid-day meal dishes, I saw a truck. And a man. But not just any typical man and truck that goes by our street. It was the glorious UPS truck. All I had to do was wait. Wait for him to put that box on my door step. (I'm too much of a chicken to go get it myself) much to my despair he was standing outside his truck. Doing nothing. NOTHING?! WHAT?! It was driving me crazy! After much stalking and looking out the window I saw him talking on the phone. After many minutes that felt like hours, he started walking up to my door.

WHEW! He left it there and I peeked out the window to see if he was gone. The coast is clear, I said mentally to myself. Out the door I ran! (Didn't take too long, it only took a few steps to get it) Back I came inside with my package. How glad I was! After all that "HARD" work..I was about to see my new shoes.

*drum rolling*

VOLA! My shoes were perfect. They fit perfect and I fell in love with them all over again.

You may think I'm over-reacting, being way too excited for a pair of SHOES. But I've been wanting these shoes for a very, very long time. And finally, they had a sale! And not just some 10% sale..A winter wipe out sale, 50%! Regularly the shoes would have cost $50.00, but thankfully I got them for much cheaper!

They may still be on sale. So check em out! They have many styles and colors. Very cute and very comfortable!!

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